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Minister Wu hosts welcome banquet for France senatorial delegation

June 10, 2022
Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu (left) and Joel Guerriau (right), leader of the French senatorial delegation, meet before a welcome banquet June 9 in Taipei City. (MOFA)
Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu hosted a welcome banquet for the cross-party delegation of senators from France at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs June 9 in Taipei City.
Attended by delegation leader Joel Guerriau, vice chair of the Senate’s Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces Committee and Taiwan Friendship Group, the event also involved other members Vincent Eble, Sylvie Goy-Chavent, Dany Wattebled and Ludovic Haye.
Wu said during his banquet remarks that the government and people are deeply grateful for the staunch support of Guerriau and the TFG. The resolution proposed by Guerriau and TFG Chair Sen. Alain Richard on backing Taiwan’s international participation made a milestone after its unanimous adoption by the Senate in May 2021, he added.
Guerriau, a participant in Formosa Club activities, also endorsed an FC letter to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, urging Taiwan’s participation in the U.N. specialized agency, Wu said.
According to Wu, Taiwan and France share the values of freedom, democracy and respect for human rights. This common foundation is reflected by the French government’s increased mention of Taiwan and inclusion of the need to maintain cross-strait peace and stability in its latest Indo-Pacific strategy document, he said.
The relationship between Taiwan and France is going from strength to strength, Wu said. It is anticipated the two sides will continue making headway by deepening friendship and expanding exchanges in key areas like innovation and technology, he added. (DL-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw


